
have you ever over thinking about the clouds?

yes I am right now is the answer of this post title, this clouds are spinning around my mind. I'm so amazed about them, they're like animals they have type, species and genera.
it's so beautiful I want to know more about them, that's why I post this thing so I can remember what kind of cloud today and tomorrow and the next day yippey!

Non-height specific
Accessory Cloud 
Surface based
- fog
Towering vertical
Cumulonimbus (Cb)
Cumulus congestus

Cumulonimbus mammatus

-Cumulonimbus tuba (Funnel cloud)
Cumulonimbus Pileus
Cumulonimbus Arcus (Shelf)

Moderate vertical

- cumulus (cu)

Stratus (St)

Stratocumulus (Sc)

Stratocumulus undulatus

Stratocumulus opacus

Stratocumulus perlucidus

Stratocumulus translucidus

Stratocumulus lenticularis

Stratocumulus fractus 

Altostratus (As)


Cirrostratus (Cs)

-Cirrocumulus (Cc)

-Cirrus (Ci)

cirrus uncinus

cirrus radiatus
 cirrus fibratus
cirrus spissatus

Very high-level
- nacreous



this is my longest post so full of pictures.
this photos are not mine just search at google and wikipedia and someone blogs.
maybe next post I will post my clouds hunt okay see ya!


unforgettable moment

my last and quick holiday is on 4oct yesterday! I was meeting my grandma and my family at Jakarta.
and ofcourse visiting my future husband chance chantry and adam levine :)) thank you so much to my brother &sister in law who gave that maroon5 concert ticket to me. hope your baby will look just like adam or chantry :**

 so glad we got at the front row! after waited 6 hours 

this is chance chantry from band THE CAB so cute isn't he?

and here they're! MAROON 5!!
thanks everyone who help me to watch this concert I'm so thankful
